This Cooking Method Causes Heart Disease

This Cooking Method Causes Heart Disease

A new study published in the journal Heart investigates how much of our heart attack risk is caused not by the type of foods we eat, but how we cook them. These researchers concluded that one of the most popular cooking methods for meat, fish, and potatoes is also one...
This Popular Tea Treats Diabetes (not green tea)

This Popular Tea Treats Diabetes (not green tea)

You have probably heard about the health benefits of green tea. But what if you don’t like green tea? Then you’ll be happy to learn that researchers from Mahidol University in Bangkok have recently published a study in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition...
This bitter veg shrinks prostates

This bitter veg shrinks prostates

It’s bitter and chewy but according to a new study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences it shrinks your prostate on a cellular level. Enlarged prostate is a condition where prostate cells grow and multiply without any biological use, leading to...
Does Aspirin Heal Your Heart Or Not?

Does Aspirin Heal Your Heart Or Not?

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or pretty much any cardiovascular disease, your doctor has most likely prescribed you low doses of aspirin. It’s a standard treatment that most doctors do without even thinking. But a new study from Japan published in...
Enlarged Prostate Most Popular Treatment Works

Enlarged Prostate Most Popular Treatment Works

Of the thousands of different herbal formulas sold for enlarged prostate, there is actually one that works. That is according to a new study in the latest American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology. Best of all, you can find this herb in all health food...