Shocking Causes of Neuropathy (Not Just Diabetes)

Shocking Causes of Neuropathy (Not Just Diabetes)

Most people who develop neuropathy have been suffering from diabetes for a long time. So, it’s tempting to blame diabetes for neuropathy. However, a new study in the journal Neuropathy reveals several lifestyle factors that contribute to neuropathy, and most of them...
One Decline Makes Parkinson’s 26% Worse

One Decline Makes Parkinson’s 26% Worse

Most of us ignore small physical declines as a normal part of aging — small aches, little stiffness, forgetting a few things. But, recent research reveals how one specific physical decline escalates Parkinson’s disease by a terrifying 26%. Silver lining: there’s an...
Neuropathy Caused By This Common Vitamin

Neuropathy Caused By This Common Vitamin

Most of us think of vitamins as something natural and harmless. A safe pill we pop. Just in case we lack something. But a row of recent studies change this. One vitamin might be the #1 reason why neuropathy cases are soaring. Worst of all… Almost everyone takes this...
Diabetes Alert: 295% Risk Spike from UPF

Diabetes Alert: 295% Risk Spike from UPF

This is one of the most dangerous things you can do for Type 2 Diabetes. And we all do it from time to time. It involves eating a common type of food: UPF And according to a new study in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, it spikes your risk of Type 2 Diabetes by...
MS Relief from a Time-Tested Approach

MS Relief from a Time-Tested Approach

For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), fatigue can be one of the most debilitating symptoms—affecting up to 97% of MS patients. But a 2,000-year-old treatment offers a great relief. That’s according to a new review in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. It...