Strange Vertigo Symptoms in the Elderly

Strange Vertigo Symptoms in the Elderly

Vertigo affects people of all ages. But a new study in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals that people over 60 experience vertigo differently than younger people. This means they’re often misdiagnosed and given the wrong treatment options. Benign Paroxysmal...
A Shocking Cause of Dementia (And Ways to Prevent It)

A Shocking Cause of Dementia (And Ways to Prevent It)

Today, we understand that a person’s genetics and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes are associated with dementia risk. But an interesting study in a recent edition of the journal JAMA Network Open reveals a risk factor not previously known....
Psychological Effects of Sleep Apnea Healed

Psychological Effects of Sleep Apnea Healed

Sleep apnea has long been linked to many life-threatening conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke. But less talked about are the psychological aspects of sleep apnea. It causes stress, anxiety, and even depression. A new study in the...
This Herb Drops EVERYONE’S Blood Pressure

This Herb Drops EVERYONE’S Blood Pressure

When people are placed under considerable mental and physical stress their blood pressure skyrockets. The next step is to give them an herb and see what happens. This is exactly what researchers from the University of Nottingham did, and the results were remarkable....