This Boosts Mood In Type 2 Diabetics

Like heart and kidney disease, type 2 diabetics are at heightened risk of suffering from depression. Depression makes managing diabetes more difficult and studies show that depressed diabetics are at heightened risk of diabetic complications. Fortunately, a new study...

Symptoms of a high blood pressure – Part 1

CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: chronic and persistent fatigue and weakness in the absence of any other physical condition. This basically means that they don’t really know what it is, so it becomes “CFS” by default. Symptoms aside from the fatigue include (and...

Cooling Off the Brain Miracle Cure for Insomnia

Insomnia is a difficult to treat condition that afflicts more than 20 percent of all adults living in the United States. While side effect-riddled treatments like sleeping pills remain the frontline of remedies, they may have to make room for the cooling cap developed...

Is it Prostatitis or Diabetes?

Yesterday, a reader wrote in to us offering a helpful story of a difficult time he had getting a proper diagnosis when he had developed some unsettling symptoms. This isn’t uncommon, since there are a wide variety of symptoms that are present across a huge spectrum of...

One Juice Fights Erectile Dysfunction Better Than Drugs

Men with erectile dysfunction (ED)—a serious medical condition that affects more than 10 percent of men– have no shortage of medications to help them treat their condition. However, until recently, natural remedies for ED were few and far between. Not anymore....