Frankincense Cuts Down On Arthritis Pain

Although the Three Wise Men may not have known it, one of the gifts they were carrying on that famous December night –Frankincense—has the power to significantly reduce arthritis pain, a team of scientists out of Cardiff University found this week. The researchers...

Fat loss diet to lower high blood pressure

A particularly harmful form of fat –known as visceral fat—has more to do with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease than total body fat, according to a research study published in this week’s “Hypertension Research.” In this study a group of 600 men had their...

No Parking Zone for Weight Loss

Today I was at a shopping center and overheard a couple arguing about the walk from the car to the door. Apparently for him it was too far. He angrily chided his wife for passing up all the “good spots” closer to the entrance. She snapped back that if he wanted her to...

Cholesterol Drugs Can Bring On Diabetes

Cholesterol-lowering medications such as Lipitor are popular among doctors because they work quickly and have relatively few side effects. However, a pair of research studies published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” has raised serious questions...

Study Pinpoints 12 “Most Wanted” Foods for Weight Loss

Those looking to drop excess pounds should avoid certain foods like the plague while gorge on others, according to a groundbreaking research study out of Harvard University. The study sheds light on how food choices –not cutting calories alone—has a profound effect on...