Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Drop Blood Pressure In 2 Minutes

Did you know that lowering your high blood pressure can be as easy as changing one habit in only two minutes a day? It seems too easy to be true, right? But there is science behind this claim. Scientists in South Korea looked at the impact of poor dental hygiene on...
ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

ED and Diabetes—A Terrifying Connection

If you’re a man suffering from ED, you may think that although it sucks, at least it’s not life-threatening. Think again! A new study in Preventive Medicine reveals a terrifying connection between ED and type 2 diabetes—A connection you need to know about today!...
This Prevents Sleep Apnea from Killing You

This Prevents Sleep Apnea from Killing You

Sleep apnea has been associated with severe health risks such as hypertension, heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cognitive decline. But a new study published in the journal Sleep reals an even more terrifying effect of sleep apnea. It accelerates...
The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

There is one ingredient we all use and need that spikes blood pressure if used excessively. In fact, it’s so dangerous that, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this one ingredient contributes more to high blood...
Moderate Amounts of This Drink Kill Your Brain

Moderate Amounts of This Drink Kill Your Brain

Everything is good in moderation, right? Not so much, says a new study published in the journal BMJ. In fact, drinking this common drink in “moderation” (often highly recommended by health experts) can drastically decrease your brain health and cognitive function in a...