Alzheimers and DiabetesAlthough more than 35 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s diseases, the causes of this heartbreaking and exhausting collection of diseases are little known.

However, a few breakthrough studies reveal a previously unknown link between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

This connection between these two diseases might offer hope to millions of people to prevent and treat the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

The growing evidence supported by recent studies reveal that Alzheimer’s disease could actually be a late stage of type 2 diabetes.

One of the studies showed that animals fed a diet designed to cause type 2 diabetes left their brains damaged with beta-amyloid plaques of protein. The same protein is known to cause Alzheimer’s disease.

The memory problems that are often observed in type 2 diabetes patients are most likely caused by an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease rather than cognitive failure as previously thought.

It’s also been known that insulin plays an important role in memory.

Taking into account these facts, researchers suggest that a type of “brain diabetes” might be a main cause of Alzheimer’s development.

Even though it does not sound good, it is actually great news.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle illness, caused by lack of exercise, poor diet, obesity and stress. It can be treated, avoided and reversed with a few lifestyle changes and the right diet choices.

And as the exiting news from the research shows, if we can prevent type 2 diabetes, we can avoid brain-damaging Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn the exact steps it takes to completely reverse type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less, click here…