Having high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes has shown to be a harbinger of bad events down the road, especially when fighting a specific kind of cancer.
There is especially one kind of cancer that seems to not just be triggered by these metabolic diseases, but it makes it harder to fight it as well.
For people who are battling, or who have already won round one with colon cancer, having metabolic syndrome or both diabetes and high blood pressure puts the cancer at a very unfair advantage.
Researchers at Temple University’s Division of Surgical Oncology found that recurrence of colon cancer was increased for people who also were diabetic and fighting high blood pressure.
Having metabolic syndrome was also a risk factor for a greater chance of recurrence.
Data collected for almost 20,000 patients over a 10-year time frame was used to determine risk factors and the chance of recurrence.
End type 2 diabetes without drugs, using this three step approach…
These 3 simple exercises normalize blood pressure in just minutes a day, the natural way…
The heart of good health is the gut. If you feed it the right foods, it will do its job of keeping you healthy. It then comes down to the individual to find out what those healthy 'foods' are. All those related diseases mentioned here and many others all come down to mainly ones diet. The food industry is a minefield of toxicity. As proven by so many being so sick. The need for each individual to take responsibility for their well being and those of their family is very important. The 'system' has failed miserably, leaving the sick, dying, and dead in its wake, and why? because most people are indoctrinated by it; leaving millions suffering as evidence of its incompetence, and mismangement, misinformation, and greed.
I can but offer my own personal opinion of one of the finest works on the diet of man over millenia, from all parts of the world as recorded and worked on for over fifty years by a Barry Groves, who wrote the book, 'Trick and Treat.' The finest book on nutrition and health that I have ever read. I strongly recommend it to those who seek knowledge that will greatly improve their health.
"One must attend in medical practice not primarily to plausible theories but to experience combined with reason." Hippocrates