Adding to the mounting evidence of heart health to vertigo, a new study conducted by Chinese scientist found that high levels of a heart disease risk factors known as C-Reactive Protein was predictive of severe vertigo.
C-Reactive Protein is a marker of inflammation and is largely influenced by diet and lifestyle factors. This study shows that individuals with abnormally high levels of this protein in their blood are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for vertigo. C-Reactive Protein levels can be reduced by exercising regularly and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Warm regards,
Christian Goodman
Hi, I ordered the vertigo program many months ago and I never received anything though I paid for it. I was very disappointed. That,s all I have to say.
Thanks Christian,my husband suffers from vertigo,we will certainly be looking into this plus eating habits, once again thanks for the info.
First ,let Me say I am very thin. My blood pressure is on the low side114/66 I eat vegatables & fruit.I have no thyroid,due to Cancer. I go through 3 days of vertigo,then it dissapears.I can’t lose anymore weight.So what’s the answer. My doctors don’t know.Who does. You’re on Your own these days. Everything is not about weight. I have never been overweight..I rode a bicycle 50 miles a day before the cancer. I looked & felt as healthy as a Horse. So go figure!
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