Prostate biopsy is not the most pleasant procedure ever invented, but it is still used sometimes to check for prostate cancer.
Many men resist it because they’re worried about ED.
So, researchers at King’s College London recently decided to investigate this issue and published their study review in the Journal of Urology.
To answer this question, they searched through medical research databases and identified the seven strongest studies that tested their participants’ sexual performance before the biopsy and again at several additional intervals.
All of these studies asked their participants to complete the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) questionnaire, which assigns a score based on one’s ability to develop and maintain an erection throughout a sexual activity that is sufficient to allow a pleasurable sexual experience.
A score between 22 and 25 means that no erectile dysfunction is present, while erectile dysfunction cases can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe as the score goes down.
According to this review, the average IIEF-5 scores among these men did drop by 4.61 points within the first month after the procedure.
This sounds bad, but on the upside, when they repeated the IIEF-5 survey three and six months after the biopsy, they found no decline in sexual function at all.
In fact, many of the studies they surveyed found that the majority of men did not even have erectile dysfunction after one month. The 4.61-point decline on the IIEF-5 was an average.
The researchers did not know why erectile dysfunction sometimes occurs after a prostate biopsy. They speculated that the needle may occasionally touch the nerves that control an erection. Another possibility is the stress of the procedure and the stress related to a possible cancer diagnosis.
But at least men can know that, when it occurs, it is temporary and should sort itself out within the first three months.
Whether or not your erectile dysfunction is caused by prostate biopsy or something else, the good news is that you can heal it using the easy home exercises found here…
And if you’re suffering from an enlarged prostate, you can shrink it to normal size in days using the simple steps found here…