Although traditional medicine is yet to find an effective treatment for vertigo, there have been many theories surrounding its causes. Crystals in the ear, infection, and old age are just a few potential explanations.
And in many cases these explanations have some truth in them.
Now, however, a new study published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research reveals a completely different cause of vertigo. One found in your environment.
And one that you can surely do something about.
The authors of the study theorized whether air pollutants could contribute to symptoms of vertigo by entering the middle ear via the ear canal, and from there penetrating the inner ear through the round window membrane. It is here, in the inner ear, where BPPV occurs.
To investigate, the researchers obtained information from the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service database regarding everyone who had been diagnosed with BPPV in Seoul and a sample of healthy people with whom to compare them. This included their demographic and other health information.
They also consulted the Korea Environment Corporation website to obtain Seoul’s daily air pollution statistics, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ground-level ozone (O3), and particulate Matter 2.5 and 10.
When they compared the information of their subjects with their pollution exposure, they discovered that people who had been exposed to high levels of nitrogen dioxide were more likely than the others to develop BPPV. This was true for all adults over the age of 19 and for both men and women.
This is not surprising. Not only does air pollution penetrate your ears; it also starves you of oxygen. And a lack of oxygen being passed to the brain is one of the main causes of all types of vertigo and dizziness.