ED is most often caused by either emotional factors like stress or anxiety or by physical issues such as plaque buildup in the arteries.
But there is another problem that can cause permanent ED if you don’t take immediate action when it happens.
And this one thing happens while making love.
Repeated studies have shown that men are at serious risk of erectile dysfunction if they delay a visit to the emergency room for more than 72 hours after fracturing their penis. Especially if they’re over 50.
You may be asking, “A fractured penis, is that a joke?”
No, it’s more common than you may think.
And while men are often worried about injuries caused by blunt force trauma, as in being hit or kicked, sexual intercourse is by far the most common cause, with 76.5% of penile fractures caused by sex.
A team of researchers surveyed 90 men with an average age of 39 who had suffered penile fractures. They published their results in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
Of those cases, 41% were caused by the doggy style position, 25.5% by the man-on-top (missionary) position, and 10% by the woman-on-top position.
Masturbation, or penile manipulation, did not pose a significant risk.
The missionary and doggy styles caused the worst injuries, and thereby pose the biggest risk for developing ED.
This does not mean you have to cut these sexual activities from your repertoire, but they probably require that you keep just enough of your wits to remain in control of them.
To put it bluntly, penile fractures happen when the penis is shoved into something hard, causing it to break.
During both missionary and doggy styles, it is possible for the penis to slip out and be shoved into the bed, table, chair, or wherever you happen to be.
Doggy style poses the extra risk that you can aim poorly and shove the penis into the woman’s pelvic bone.
Woman-on-top is risky when she suddenly leans forward or backward, bending the penis unnaturally quickly and causing it to break.
So how do you know when your penis has fractured so you can seek immediate medical help to reduce your chance of ED?
Luckily, it is rather obvious. If you hear a cracking sound during sexual activity, your penis appears to be unnaturally bent, there is a lot of blood around, and you suffer severe pain, swelling, and a sudden loss of erection, an immediate hospital visit is crucial.
Luckily, erectile dysfunction most often has less painful causes and is easier to cure.