Cut Stroke Risk by a Third by Eating This Food (Even with High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol)There are two types of people in the world: those who win the war against stroke, and those who tragically don’t.

That’s the hard, cold truth.

To win this war, you’re going to need weapons. Weapons in the form of food that will cut through stroke like a hot knife through butter.

But we’re not talking about butter.

Improving your diet and consuming more healthy food is critical for reducing the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. That’s a fact we’re all familiar with. So what’s the food you should eat to deliver a knockout punch to your risk of getting a stroke?

You guessed it! Yes, fruits and vegetables are undeniably the best things you can eat. This fact has been established yet again by a study that analyzed data of nearly 760,000 people in 20 studies conducted across the world in the past 19 years.

The study shows that consuming about 200 g (about 7 ounces) of fruit every day can cut down the risk of stroke by up to 32%!

Vegetables had slightly less impressive yet significant results. Eating 200 g of vegetables in a day reduced the risk of developing stroke by 11%.

What could be a tastier way to ensure good health? The researchers point out that fruits and vegetables are good because they provide the essential micro and macronutrients necessary for the body.

This study focused on a particular type of stroke called ischemic stroke that is caused by blood clots or other blocks of the arteries.

The results were found to have consistent effects on both men and women.

Apart from reducing the risk of stroke, fruits and vegetables are great for reducing blood pressure, improving blood vessel function, losing weight, and cutting down cholesterol and inflammation. It turns out that your mom was right when she told you to eat your greens (and fruits, of course!).

Watch your blood pressure dive-bomb by doing three simple exercises…

And while you’re at it, you might as well take care of your cholesterol levels, too. Learning how to drop your cholesterol level is just a click away…