There’s nothing worse than swallowing a cocktail of pills to try and control your high blood pressure only to find out they’re not as effective as doctors once said.
Let’s also not forget the plethora of dangerous side effects that come with them.
But new research carried out by scientists at Queen Mary University in London states that the answer to lowering your blood pressure by a whopping 11 points naturally lies in your salad.
Researchers have stated that there are certain types of vegetables that contain a natural chemical that controls high blood pressure.
The study involved 15 participants – 8 women and 7 men – all of whom suffered from systolic high blood pressure ranging from 140 to 159mm Hg. They were not suffering from complications as a result of their condition nor were they on blood pressure medications.
After drinking a glass of nitrate-containing water or beetroot juice, the participants’ blood pressure was taken, and the results were astounding – there was a whopping 11.2 mmHg decrease on average. The biggest drop was measured after 3-6 hours, but it was still significantly lower than the baseline after 24 hours. Thus, proving the hypothesis – optimal choices in diet and lifestyle can positively affect blood pressure.
The amount of nitrate used in the study was equal to consuming either two beets or a bowl of lettuce, showing that just ONE meal high in nitrate is enough to lower your blood pressure.
Remember, when it comes to high nitrate foods, you aren’t limited to beetroot – you can also eat carrots, fennel, lettuce, radishes, cabbage, spinach, or green beans for the same results.