Oil has had a bad rep. For years we were told to avoid it. But many studies now show that this generalization is misplaced, and some oils are indeed good.
In fact, according to research published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings this particular oil is full of antioxidants and dramatically cuts the risk of heart attacks and strokes by an astonishing 20%.
The hype about Omega-3 fatty acids is real. Oils, such as fish oil and olive oil, which contain omega-3 oil, are very heart healthy.
Researchers wanted to know what effect Omega-3 had on coronary heart disease (CHD), including heart attacks, sudden cardiac deaths, coronary deaths (including strokes), and angina.
They found that Omega-3 oils:
Cut CHD risk by 18% (something no drug can do!).
Lower CHD risk in people with high triglycerides (fats) in their blood by 16% and in people with high LDL (bad) cholesterol by 14%.
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, meaning that you have to consume it in your diet, as your body is not capable of manufacturing it from other substances.
Fish, such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, trout, sturgeon, anchovies, and sardines, is a common and easy-to-find source of Omega-3 fatty acid. Three portions of fish a week will give you enough omega-3 to reap the rewards.
Omega-3 might be easy to consume, but there’s more to dropping cholesterol than eating fish. Here is how I got my cholesterol under control and cleared out my 93% clogged arteries – just by cutting out one ingredient.