You’re probably aware of many things you can do to minimize the risk of having a heart attack: eat healthy, exercise moderately, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and more.
But did you know that heart attacks occur more frequently at a certain time of the day and during some specific activities? This is the time that you should pay extra attention to how you feel.
1) The early bird doesn’t just get the worm
A recent Harvard study revealed that your risk of heart attack rises by 40% in the morning. Morning is the time when your body wants you to be the most active.
Therefore, it loads you with adrenaline and other stress hormones, which increases your blood pressure, creates more demand for oxygen and forces your heart to beat harder.
Since most of us don’t drink much water during the night, your body is also partly dehydrated, which makes your blood thicker and harder to pump. All this puts strain on the heart.
One of the healthiest things you can do is drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning. Also, try to schedule things so you can take your time in the morning without stress.
2) Another Manic Monday
As if the mornings weren’t bad enough, Monday mornings are even riskier. An alarming 20% more heart attacks occur on Monday mornings than any other day of the week. This is, of course due to the stress of going back to work after the weekend.
If possible, try to wake up the same time every day of the week. Staying up late and then sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday morning and then having to wake up early on Monday puts quite a strain on your system. Choosing a career where you love waking up to go to work is extremely helpful as well.
3) Stuffing your mouth stuffs your heart
The plaque in the arteries that causes heart attacks develops over many years. One meal is not going to suddenly cause narrow arteries. However, studies have shown that big high-fat high calorie meals put more strain on your system that constricts blood vessels, which can trigger heart attacks.
Indulging yourself in good food occasionally doesn’t have to be harmful. Just keep the portion sizes moderate and eat slowly.
4) On the Potty
Moving the bowels is one of the most private things we can do. Most of us want to have privacy and not be distracted. And we definitely don’t want to experience a heart attack at that point.
Bowel movements, however (especially if you’re constipated), put extreme pressure on the chest, slowing down the blood returning back to the heart.
To lower your risk of having a heart attack on the potty, make sure you eat enough fiber (at least 25 gr/day), drink enough water, and avoid stress.
5) Not all exercises are created equal
Exercising is one of the key elements to improve cardiovascular health and avoid heart attacks. Too much, too quickly, however, can have the opposite effect.
If you’re not in good physical shape, begin slowly with walking and light jogging. As your health and stamina improve, you can, and should, engage in more vigorous exercises to strengthen your heart.
Sex is, in the same way, extremely heart-healthy as long as the intensity is not more than the body can handle.
6) Any kind of stressful event
Surveys have revealed that most people fear public speaking above anything. The stress of standing in front of hundreds of people has taken many lives in the form of heart attacks.
Take precautions before doing anything you know creates anxiety in your space. If you’re afraid of flying, learn relaxation techniques before. If you have to speak in front of a crowd, practice with a small group first.
There are, of course, many other situations where heart attacks can occur. Always be aware of symptoms, especially if you feel any physical or emotional strain. And always be on the safe side; it’s better to call 911 with a false alarm than needing it after it’s too late.
However, it is best to never suffer from a heart attack in the first place. Getting your cholesterol and blood pressure under control almost bulletproofs you against dying from a heart attack or stroke.
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