An article has just appeared in the latest edition of the journal Psychology & Health that suggests the easiest way to eliminate most modern diseases.
It’s especially effective for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and other related diseases.
And it literally takes no effort and is as natural as can be.
Because the relationship between vacation and health is fairly poorly studied, the scientists decided to find out whether time off can reduce our risk of metabolic syndrome (the precursor to diabetes) and reduce associated symptoms.
The only previous study they could find on the subject found that people who took regular vacations were less likely to die of cardiovascular causes or prematurely of any cause.
The Syracuse University academics used 63 workers who were eligible for paid vacations. They invited them into the laboratory where they conducted a range of physiological measures to assess their metabolic status.
Together with the physiological tests, they also asked them about their vacation behavior in the last 12 months.
These participants had taken five vacations during the past 12 months, using two weeks of their paid vacation days.
The more vacations they took, the fewer harmful metabolic symptoms they showed. Each additional vacation reduced their risk for the metabolic syndrome by 25 percent.
We should probably define what metabolic syndrome is. It’s said to be present if you have three of these four symptoms: large waist circumference, high blood pressure, high triglycerides (fats in the blood), and high fasting blood sugar levels.
These are also major risks for cardiovascular disease and events like heart attacks and strokes.
It isn’t known exactly why vacations have such a positive effect, but the results make it clear that they really do.
Any change to compulsory vacation time will probably be a long time coming, so until it does, you had better take charge of your health!
So, keep your blood pressure at healthy levels with this solution…
And keep diabetes at bay too, with this simple 3-step approach…