You probably know that blood pressure medications come with a long list of side effects. Some are mild but others are deadly.
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed just how serious a certain type of blood pressure medications for specific type of high blood pressure are.
And the results shocked even the most pessimistic doctors.
Patients with big fluctuations are most often seriously over-medicated by doctors because fluctuating high blood pressure poses even higher risk than steady hypertension.
If your pressure is consistently high, it will damage your blood vessels over time, but if it varies with frequent spikes, you are at serious risk of a stroke.
However, when the scientists analyzed the data of 8,092 hypertensive adults, they discovered that heavily medicated people with fluctuating readings were extremely likely to suffer from severe side effects like fainting.
Moreover, for patients with high variations, a heavy drug regime did not reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease at all.
When doctors gave them enough drugs to drop their readings to 120 mmHg, they suffered even more severe side effects.
Of these, 48 percent were receiving cardiovascular drugs, of which the most common were beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, and diuretics.
In addition, the more of these drugs they took, the more likely they were to faint repeatedly.
Your body regulates its blood pressure carefully and allows it to fluctuate naturally based on your physical movements.
Blood pressure medicine interferes with this process by preventing your body from raising its blood pressure, even when it is basically necessary to do so. Like when standing up or walking briskly.
Sometimes, though, different sources of stress cause acute and/or chronic blood pressure spikes that can be very dangerous if not managed.
So what’s a person to do if they have dangerously high or fluctuating blood pressure when the “treatment” (drugs) is worse than the problem?