Occasionally studies are released showing no matter how hard we try, we are still somewhat dependent on our genes and biological constitutions.
The December 2016 journal Archivio Italiano Di Urologia released a study from Ordu University in Turkey revealed just that.
It compared the occurrence of ED in men with different blood group types.
Results: one specific blood group is almost 500% more likely to suffer ED than another. But even if you belong to this blood group, there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Of their 350 subjects, some had ED while others were sexually fully functional.
To ensure that other illnesses like cardiovascular disease and diabetes did not muddle their conclusions, they recorded the presence of these diseases and made sure the results remained the same even without the subjects with these conditions.
Men with blood type O scored the best in the study, meaning their Erectile Dysfunction was less severe or non-existent.
This was followed by those with B-type, then those with A-type, and finally AB-type scoring the worst.
This pattern held across all age groups.
Comparing other types to O-group, the AB group had a 4.7 times higher risk of ED, the A-group a 3.9 times higher risk, and the B-group a 3.5 times higher risk.
In other words, when it comes to ED, people with the AB blood type have the greatest chance of developing ED and the worst symptoms when it occurs, while those with the O-type are the luckiest in both frequency and severity.
Now, despite your blood type, there are still a lot of things you can do to improve your erection function. And you’re by no means a slave to this condition for live.
You can stop smoking, limit your alcohol intake, eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, avoid refined vegetable oils and processed non-whole grains, exercise regularly, and so forth.