High Blood Pressure and Dementia Connection ExplainedThe journal Stroke has just published a study on the connection between high blood pressure and dementia conducted by a team of scientists led by the UC Davis School of Medicine.

Not only does this connection give us a way to detect dementia 20-30 years before it strikes, it (more importantly) leads us to a solid cure for both high blood pressure and early onset of memory loss and dementia.

To be more precise, the study traced the connection from lifestyle, to high blood pressure, to atherosclerosis, to a decrease in brain matter.

For data, they used health statistics from about 1,900 people whose information was collected by the Framingham Heart Study.

They considered three important test scores:

– an arterial tonometry measurement of blood pressure

– a carotid femoral pulse wave velocity measurement of artery hardening (atherosclerosis)

– an MRI brain scan as a measurement of brain volume and structure.
They found that, compared with people with normal arterial structure, those with hardened arteries had higher blood pressure, less white brain matter, and structurally damaged grey brain matter.

Using this info the researchers speculated the following connection:

1. Lifestyle factors like high cholesterol diets and lack of exercise cause both high blood pressure and a buildup of plaque in your arteries.

2. This causes your arteries to harden or stiffen.

3. Stiff arteries further increase blood pressure, because your heart must pump much harder to get blood through these inflexible plaque-clogged arteries.

4. Together, all this arterial damage restricts the blood flow to your organs, including your brain.

5. Insufficient blood flow to the brain then causes the white and grey matter to atrophy.

This shows us that lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health is essential to our cognitive function later on.

Which gives you one more reason to do everything in your power to lower your blood pressure. The most effective method to do so lies in the simple blood pressure exercises found here…

But more interesting for me personally is that this is more proof of the main underlying cause of Alzheimer’s and Dementia – the cause I’ve been preaching for years now.

I’m talking about lack of oxygen-filled blood to the brain.

And for that cause, I discovered a simple set of exercises that load your brain with oxygen and nutrition and may therefore reverse early onset of memory loss, dementia – try these brain booster exercises for yourself here…