It tastes good, it keeps you alert, it is heart healthy, and now is found to completely relieve ED.
It works even if you have chronic health issues that cause your ED, such as obesity or high blood pressure.
It’s also cheap and available pretty much on every street corner.
But it does matter greatly when you drink it for best results.
So many dietitians and nutritionists tell us to eliminate coffee and other caffeinated drinks from our diets. Now, a study proves that, for certain types of people, that might not be the best advice.
A team of seven researchers published the results of their investigation on the relationship between caffeinated drinks and ED in the online journal PLOS ONE in April 2015.
Because they wanted the strongest conclusion possible, they tested the effects of caffeine consumption on a group at serious risk of ED, namely, overweight and obese, hypertensive, and diabetic men. Before this study, experts had already established that these four groups were more likely to have ED than the general population.
They analyzed the information of 3,724 men who had participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. In addition, they asked the men to report their level of ED in an online self-interview. Armed with these details, they crunched the numbers.
The conclusion? Men who consume 85-170 mg of caffeine per day are 42 percent less likely to have ED, while those who consume 171-303 mg of it are 39 percent less likely to have erectile problems. This is the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee per day.
This conclusion holds only for overweight, obese, and hypertensive men; however, the effects of diabetes on ED are too strong for caffeine to counteract.
The researchers did not investigate any other high-risk groups, such as those on certain types of medication or those who are advancing in age, so if you fall in those groups, you may have to try this for yourself.
If you don’t like coffee, you might want to try black tea, green tea, or other teas and drinks high in caffeine.Just make very sure that your drink of choice does not have tons of added sugar or fructose corn syrup, otherwise diabetes and cardiovascular disease will soon replace ED at the top of your list of health concerns.
Also notice that more was not better. So limit your caffeine consumption to 170 mg of caffeine or it may create other health issues such as high blood pressure.
According to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013, caffeine improves blood flow through your smaller blood vessels, possibly by improving the functioning of their inner linings.
To be precise, that study concluded that drinking one cup of caffeinated coffee could increase the blood flow through your body (that includes the genitals) by 30 percent over 75 minutes compared to someone who drinks decaffeinated coffee.
So if you’re on a date and expect a little action later on, it doesn’t hurt to have some coffee for desert.
Thanks for publishing Amazing findings!
I have not tasted it so I don't have ideas unless i try it I will and give comment next time thank u
Good Information for me. Some Doctors had discourage taking Coffee