We all want to regain the youth and strength we had 20 years ago. Among other things that means more hair and a stronger erection.
Knowing this, big drug manufacturers make billions selling both ED as well as hair-growing drugs.
But the most popular hair-growing drug on the market may take away the vigor we desire. In fact, a study prove it causes both ED and a drop in libido.
The active ingredient in the hair growth drug Propecia is finasteride. This chemical effectively blocks the genetic hormone that causes hair loss.
But several studies have proven it blocks more than that. Erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, and premature ejaculation are just three of many side effects from this drug.
Up to 10% of men taking Propecia develop severe erectile dysfunction. And the worst part is, the ED can become permanent, even after stopping the drug.
The FDA knew about this problem before they approved the drug. They still know about it. But their only action has been to put a small warning on the package.
There are many things you can do to boost libido, and strengthen erection naturally. No need to take dangerous prescription medications that don’t work.
Here is the only herbal medication I recommend to boost libido, testosterone level and tackle erectile dysfunction…
But most effective are easy erectile dysfunction exercises. They permanently cure erectile dysfunction in only a few short days and are more effective than any pills. Learn more about these erectile dysfunction exercises here…