Simplest Way To Cure ED (little effort but lots of fun)When it comes to ED, it is of course easy to just pop a blue pill and hope for the best.

The problem: ED pills don’t work for most men, they come with serious side effects, and once started you’re a slave for life.

The better solution: Revealed in today’s article. It takes a little more effort but your ED will be cured; there are only good side effects, and you’ll function like you did at 22. Plus, it’s fun!

According to a new research study from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, physical activity is the key to cure ED.

The researchers asked 300 men to report on both their physical activity and sexual stamina and strength. They then put them in four groups: sedentary, mildly active, moderately active, and highly active.

The higher the men’s activity level, the better their erection tended to be. The “highly active” group performed by far the best.

To belong to the “highly active” group you’ll need to engage in two hours of high intensity exercise, like swimming or running, per week. Plus four to six hours of moderate or light exercise.

This result is no surprise as erection is directly linked to good cardiovascular health and good blood flow into the genital area.

But there are easier exercises to cure erectile dysfunction than running and swimming. These exercises focus directly on the muscles around the genital area to boost blood flow and strengthen erection.

These exercises work for more men than Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs, without side effects. What’s more, they take no physical effort. And nobody, not even your spouse, needs to know you’re doing them.

Learn more about these easy erectile dysfunction exercises and try them out for yourself here…

If, however, you need to boost your testosterone level, you may want to check out these safe herbal medications here…