If you have a problem sleeping, you’ve probably tried everything under the sun. Skip coffee, take herbal pills, change diet, change exercise routine… but nothing works!
How about if your sleeplessness was genetic?
The bad news: According to a new study, in fact, insomnia might be genetic.
The good news: There is still something you can do to sleep better. A study recently published in the journal Sleep following several age groups of children into adulthood, identified insomnia in many of the participants as inherited, or genetic.
The study authors assert that there are genetic factors that control the sleep-wake cycles in humans, and therefore are subject to the same risk of genetic influences that any other condition would be.
The study further found that the genetic factors causing insomnia changed over time, depending upon the age of the sufferer. For example, genetic factors that affect insomnia in an 8-year old would be different than those in a 14-year old, but the result is the same- an inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep.
That may be the reason why many people go through a period of insomnia at some point in their life and then it heals without an obvious reason.
Insomnia, when left untreated, can result in many catastrophic health problems from depression to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and even heart attack.
The good news is that no matter what disease you fight, genetics rarely account for more than 50% of the problem. The other 50% is completely under your control.
Throughout the years, I’ve helped hundreds of people who had trouble with insomnia. The simple method I use works for almost everyone in 24 minutes or less.
Kada ne mogu da zaspim podignem lijevu ruku i palcem naslonim na prostor izme?u dva oka. Opustim se, zažmirim i lagano dišem stomakom. Desna ruka je opružena pored tijela, noge su opružene jadna uz drugu, malo raširene. Ispod zatvorenih trepavica “gledam u crnu ta?ku” na mjestu gdje mi stoji palac lijeve ruke, ne mislim ništa ve? ponavljam jednostavnu molitvu ili neku mantru i uporno “gledam u ništa”. To “ništa” postaje crna rupa koja me lagano”proguta” i … Ujutro se budim veoma svjež.
Želim Vam svako dobro,