Stop Hypothyroidism Weight GainHypothyroidism is the most common cause of obesity. And most people don’t even realize they have it.

But the process why people with hypothyroidism gain weight hasn’t been clear.

It’s usually blamed on a slow metabolism, but that explanation never quite adds up.

Finally, a new study in Frontiers in Physiology found the answer.

And not just the answer to avoid weight gain from hypothyroidism but also how to reverse the core cause.

Researchers studied two groups of female mice—one healthy, one with hypothyroidism.

They tracked their digestion over 45 days, looking at how their intestines absorbed fats, proteins, and sugars at different times.

The results?

• Healthy mice had a clear daily rhythm, adjusting digestion based on the time of day.

• Hypothyroid mice lost this rhythm, making nutrient absorption unpredictable.

• Key proteins (like GLUT2, PEPT1, and L-FABP) responsible for breaking down food weren’t working efficiently.

• Poor fat metabolism and reduced protein absorption made digestion sluggish—leading to bloating, weight gain, and possible nutrient deficiencies.

This study finally explains exactly why people with hypothyroidism gain weight and often struggle with digestive problems.

Interestingly, I’ve helped thousands of people to reverse their hypothyroidism using simple diet and lifestyle changes.

One of the core aspects of my approach is addressing the gut by using the right type of food. You can learn how to do that and heal your hypothyroidism here…