Is Enlarged Prostate Caused by Belly Type?Frequent bathroom trips? Prostate getting bigger?

Part of aging, right?

Nope—it’s your belly type, says a new study in BMC Urology.

The good news? You can fix this.

Researchers analyzed 5,735 men aged 45+, comparing those with and without prostate problems.

They tested eight different health markers to find the strongest predictor of urinary symptoms and prostate enlargement.

And the biggest culprit? Visceral fat.

This deep belly fat—stored around your internal organs—was the strongest risk factor for prostate problems.

What did they find?

• Men with prostate issues had higher visceral fat levels across all measurements.
• Even small increases in visceral fat raised the risk.
• Diabetic men were also 31% more likely to have prostate issues.

So, here’s yet another reason to lose belly fat with a good diet and exercise.

But if you already have an enlarged prostate, just losing belly fat won’t shrink it back down.

Thousands of men have, however, shrunk their enlarged prostate naturally using the simple steps explained here…