Diabetes and Hemorrhoids: Terrifying ConnectionThere’s a terrifying connection between hemorrhoids and type 2 diabetes, according to a new study in Life.

If you suffer from either (or both) conditions, you absolutely must know about this.

Researchers at Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital analyzed 752 patients who had colonoscopies.

They compared hemorrhoid rates in 452 diabetics versus 300 non-diabetics.
They also tracked blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and other health markers.

The results?

• 47.3% of diabetics had hemorrhoids vs. just 17.3% of non-diabetics.
• Poor blood sugar control (high HbA1C) made hemorrhoids more likely.
• High LDL (bad cholesterol), triglycerides, and blood pressure increased risk.
• The longer someone had diabetes, the worse their hemorrhoids got.

Why does diabetes make hemorrhoids worse?

• It damages blood vessels, making veins weaker and more prone to swelling.
• It slows circulation, making it harder for hemorrhoids to heal.
• It causes digestive issues (constipation or diarrhea), which puts extra strain on rectal veins.

So what can you do?

You definitely want to get your blood sugars under control and reverse your type 2 diabetes. Here are the exact three steps thousands of readers have used to do just that…

But if you’re suffering from hemorrhoids, no doubt you want to get rid of them ASAP… and here’s how to do that in a day or two…