An aging prostate tends to grow bigger, leading to an enlarged prostate with all its complications.
But you can stop your prostate from aging too fast and growing too big.
According to a new study in The Prostate, all it takes is a spoonful of a specific oil found in all supermarkets.
Researchers used Mongolian gerbils, which are animals often chosen for prostate studies due to their hormonal similarities to humans. Here’s how the study worked:
• Participants: 22 gerbils split into two groups.
• Diet: One group received plain water; the other consumed coconut oil daily for a year.
• Monitoring: Scientists tracked hormone levels, prostate tissue changes, and key signs of aging, including muscle thickening, cell overgrowth, and abnormal tissue development.
What did they find?
The gerbils that consumed coconut oil experienced remarkable prostate health benefits:
1. Prostate Weight Dropped: Their prostates weighed 16.62% less than the control group.
2. Thinner Muscle Layers: Prostate muscle tissue was 18.27% thinner.
3. Hormone Regulation: Androgen and estrogen receptors decreased by 51.32% and 14.26%, respectively.
4. Improved Cell Health: Apoptosis (cell clearance) increased by 54.32%.
5. Lower Risk of Abnormal Changes: The chance of developing abnormal tissue changes dropped by 14%.
These findings suggest that coconut oil could play a protective role in maintaining prostate health as you age.