This bacterium heals GoutIf you have been diagnosed with Gout, you’ve probably been advised to cut out any foods that are high in uric acid.

This isn’t bad advice, but it is not a cure for Gout either.

A new study published in bioRxiv takes a completely different route. It found that a specific gut bacterium can rid people of Gout.

Best of all, with a small alteration, you can do this from home.

The researchers wanted to know whether a healthy bacterium called Lactobacillus plantarum, obtained from animals with high uric acid levels, could lower uric acid and alleviate gout in other animals.

The idea was to see whether healthy bacteria that had adapted to survive in a high-uric-acid environment could be beneficial when introduced into another host with gout.

To test this theory, the researchers obtained a specific strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, labeled SQ001, from the gut of geese with high uric acid levels.

They did three things with these bacteria. First, they analyzed them in a test tube to understand how they might help break down uric acid.

Next, the bacteria were transplanted into geese with high levels of uric acid and then into mice with the same condition.

They made several interesting discoveries.

1. Four genes in these bacteria break down nucleosides, chemicals that can lead to uric acid production. This suggests that the bacteria could halt some uric acid production.

2. The geese and mice that received the probiotic treatment showed a significant decrease in serum uric acid levels.

3. The probiotic not only reduced the production of uric acid in their livers but also improved the excretion of uric acid through their kidneys. This was achieved by lowering proteins that produce uric acid while increasing proteins that help with uric acid excretion.

4. The treatment also increased the overall abundance of beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria in the gut, contributing to a healthier microbial balance.

This study demonstrates that bacteria from an animal with high uric acid levels can be used to treat the same condition in another animal.

What excites me most about this study is that it proves that the real underlying cause and treatment options of gout lies in the gut. This aligns exactly with the method I have been using to help thousands of people to rid themselves of gout in a matter of weeks.

You can follow their exact steps and heal your own gout naturally here…