The traditional medical system has no effective treatment option for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, a new study published in the journal Nutrients reveals natural ways to prevent it.
After all, the same things that prevent MS will help prevent it from getting worse.
Their findings were quite astonishing:
- One fat reduced MS risk by 36%
- One drink reduced it by 20%
- Ditching one habit could lower your risk by 92%
- Developing another habit reduce it by 50%
Combining a few lifestyle habits as explained in today’s article may drastically improve your MS and prevent it from progressing.
To find out whether diet played a role in MS, researchers from the Università del Piemonte Orientale in Novaro, Italy, used data from the UK Biobank, one of the largest biomedical databases in the world.
They analyzed the information of 502,507 participants aged 40–69 from the UK. They were followed for an average of 12 years, during which 478 people developed multiple sclerosis.
At the start of the study in 2006, participants filled out a detailed food frequency questionnaire to report their usual consumption of 29 different food groups over the past year. A subset of participants also completed 24-hour dietary recalls through online interviews.
After comparing the diets of those who did and did not develop multiple sclerosis, they reached the following conclusions.
1. Consumption of fatty fish once a week was associated with a 36% lower risk, while eating it twice a week reduced the risk by 34%. Eating fatty fish more frequently did not show additional protective benefits.
2. Drinking alcohol once a week cut their risk by 20%, but any more frequent intake increased the risk again.
3. Current smoking increased their risk by 92%, while former smokers no longer had an elevated risk.
4. Exercising 1–3 days per week lowered their risk by 50%.