Dementia treated with diet changeAs we get older, our brains tend to become more insulin resistant. This can lead to problems with memory, mood changes, and even serious conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Recent research published in PNAS Nexus shows how making a simple diet change helps keep our aging brains healthy and fights off dementia.

Before diving into the details of the study, let’s first look at the reasons why insulin resistance matters.

Your brain uses glucose for energy, but when insulin resistance sets in, it can’t use glucose as effectively. This can damage the ability of your brain cells to communicate with each other.

This communication breakdown can lead to cognitive decline and eventually the death of these cells.

The researchers wanted to see exactly what happens in the brain when insulin resistance hits. They used mice to study this, focusing on the hippocampus, a brain region crucial for learning and memory.

They observed a significant decline in neurological function. Neurons weren’t firing as they should. Messages couldn’t travel properly between them. They weren’t working in sync, couldn’t send signals to each other, and their connections were weak and inefficient.

Next, the researchers introduced D-beta-hydroxybutyrate (D-betaHb), a type of ketone produced when the body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.

The results were promising.

1. Neurons started firing correctly again.
2. Messages could travel smoothly.
3. Neurons worked in harmony with better synchronization.
4. Neurons could send signals properly again.
5. Their connections became efficient again, meaning that learning and memory were once again possible.

All of this suggests that ketones might help protect your brain from the negative effects of insulin resistance. This is important because once neurons lose their function, it’s tough to get it back. By using ketones, we might be able to prevent or delay cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.

The simplest way to incorporate this discovery into your life is to eat a ketogenic or keto diet. This is a high-protein, very low-carb eating plan that forces your body to rely on ketones as its main energy source.

If you feed your body very little glucose in the form of carbohydrates, your liver starts to produce ketones. Your brain can then use these to fuel itself. If it then becomes insulin resistant as you age, it no longer matters.

But there is another ingredient much more important for your brain. You absolutely must load your brain with this ingredient – which fortunately is free as I explain here…