This vitamin prevents Stroke and Heart AttackIf you have high blood pressure, chances are high that one day you’ll suffer a stroke or heart attack.

Statistics gathered over decades bear that out.

But according to a new study, one vitamin can prevent stroke and heart attack for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

This vitamin is cheap and widely available from both food and supplements stores.

This new study from China, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, included 20,000 people who had high blood pressure, were taking hypertension medications, and had never suffered a stroke or heart attack.

Half of the group was given 400 mcg of folic acid supplements (vitamin B), along with their regular medications, while the other half only received their prescription anti-hypertensives. The amount of 400 mcg is the daily recommended dose.

Four and a half years later, significantly fewer people who received the folic acid supplements had suffered stroke or heart attack.

Folic acid is, in essence, the same thing as vitamin B. It can be found in abundance in citrus fruits, beans, and green, leafy vegetables. All health food stores will also have it as a supplement.

Other studies have shown that vitamin B helps prevent stroke and heart attack, but only if you are deficient in vitamin B (makes sense).

Lowering blood pressure is, however, even more important than supplementing with vitamin B. This disease causes so many fatal complications like heart attack, stroke, type-2 diabetes, and cancer, just to name a few.

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