Hypothyroidism myth debunked (new study)Sometimes, an idea becomes entrenched in medical science and becomes so mainstream that it is no longer challenged.

A new study in International Journal of Molecular Sciences has just debunked one of the most harmful myths about hypothyroidism.

Following this myth, you’re doing your thyroid more harm than good.

There are lots of different Brassicas, including favorites like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. They’re packed with sulfur compounds that are extremely healthy but also suspected of interfering with thyroid function.

Worries about the harmful effects of Brassicas stem from historical observations in livestock and some human populations, where high intake of these vegetables seemed to reduce thyroid function. This seemed to be a concern especially in areas with iodine deficiency.

The authors of this new study wanted to know whether these worries were warranted and set out to perform a review of the available scientific literature on the relationship between Brassica vegetables and thyroid function.

They sifted through the data of 123 articles, covering test tube experiments, animal studies, and human research, to draw conclusions about whether these vegetables affected thyroid size and thyroid hormone levels.

What did they find?

Some animal studies did show negative effects, but they differed a lot from the way humans eat vegetables. For example, many of them were performed on animals that ate almost exclusively Brassicas, which humans obviously don’t do. They are only a small part of human food intake, even in people who love them.

The human studies were even weaker, with very little evidence for the negative effects of Brassicas on thyroid function. Those studies that did find harm were poorly designed.

An interesting aspect highlighted by the review is the impact of cooking and iodine on the destructive potential of these vegetables.

From the existing studies, it seems like cooking lowers the substances thought to be responsible for thyroid damage, making these vegetables safer for thyroid health. This is unfortunate for people who like them in salads, but if you enjoy them cooked, you’re likely safe.

Moreover, research also shows that adequate iodine intake relieves any potential negative effects on the thyroid. This shows how important it is to enjoy a balanced diet.

So, the fear that Brassicas might harm thyroid function is mostly groundless, especially for individuals with sufficient iodine in their diets. As such, this study backs the inclusion of Brassica vegetables in our diets for their nutritional benefits.

But what if you already suffer from hypothyroidism? Thousands of readers have reversed their hypothyroidism using the simple lifestyle changes explained here…