These beans lower blood pressure and boost healthBeans have long been praised for having various health benefits. A new study from Mexico shows exactly how one particular type of bean beats high blood pressure with a knockout blow.

Not only does it load your body with antioxidants that lower blood pressure, it also removes dangerous chemicals that cause high blood pressure and other diseases.

Many of the most heart-healthy recipes flying around social media sites recommend the use of black beans.

From hot dishes to cold salads, these beans seem to be almost magical in not only their culinary versatility but also in the incredible health benefits they provide.

Researchers from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico recently isolated two very powerful proteins in black beans—fasolina and pectin—both of which were found to have extremely powerful antioxidant properties.

Blood pressure increases when the body undergoes any kind of stress. In environmental stress, for example, free radicals from an unhealthy habit like smoking can attack heart and blood vessel tissue. This is oxidative stress. Antioxidants combat the free radicals, stopping the cycle of destruction.

This, in turn, causes blood pressure to drop because the threat has passed.
Researchers also found in computer models looking at the proteins that they also have a chelating effect, meaning that they can remove heavy metals from the body.

These are just two explanations as to why black beans have always been so effective at reducing blood pressure. Experts have for a long time been able to observe their benefits, but hadn’t been able to understand, until now, the molecular processes behind the reaction.

Many health-conscious people already incorporate high amounts of black beans in their diets because they are an incredible source of delicious protein that doesn’t come with the added calories found in high-protein alternatives such as meat, eggs, or nuts.

You should be able to find black beans in your local supermarket or health food store. If not, most other types of beans also hold tremendous health benefits.

Eating beans may not be enough to completely cure high blood pressure. For that, you need a set of three easy exercises.

These easy blood pressure exercises have been proven to lower blood pressure below 120/80—starting today…