Hypothyroidism Affects Your BrainHypothyroidism is well known to cause fatigue and tiredness and to slow down metabolism, which causes obesity.

A new study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science reveals how hypothyroidism also affects your cognitive abilities. This may be its most important finding.

A total of 395 students participated in the study. The majority were females (75.7%). Their median overall GPA was 3.73, with a range from 2.76 to 4.

The odds of having hypothyroidism were 3.3 times higher in females, 2.6 times higher in older students, and 5.5 times higher in those with a family history of thyroid diseases.

The study found significant associations between hypothyroidism and academic difficulties.

1. Those with hypothyroidism were 3.3 times more likely to have failed at some point than the healthy students.

2. Students with hypothyroidism were 2.83 times more likely to have experienced a delay in their educational journey.

3. There seemed to be a relationship between hypothyroidism and low GPA scores.

These findings are not only important for your children (or grandchildren) who might be at college. They are also important for you, as they suggest that hypothyroidism can hamper your mental performance and lead to cognitive failure at times.

The good news is that thousands of readers have completely healed their hypothyroidism using the simple, natural steps explained here…