Tackle ED And Boost Testosterone with this Common DrinkWe have known for a while that this popular drink carries many health benefits.

But a new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine now adds to this literature by revealing that it can be beneficial for ED too. Plus it boosts testosterone levels.

While we know that moderate consumption of red wine is good for health, scientists are still figuring out how its components interact with our bodies at the cellular level. It primarily exercises its health effects through its polyphenol content, which ranges between 2,000 and 6,000 milligrams per liter.

Polyphenols include quercetin, myricetin, catechin, epicatechin, anthocyanins, resveratrol, caffeic, and coutaric acids. Red wine has ten times more polyphenols than other wines because it’s made from darker red or black grapes, which include skins and seeds.

As little research has been done on the relationship between red wine and ED, the scientists responsible for this paper brought all of the available evidence together by searching bibliographic databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar for relevant studies.

Their first finding was that the beneficial anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of red wine on the vascular system could help with ED, which is often an early sign of blocked blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

Blocked blood vessels prevent blood from flowing into the penis to facilitate an erection. Red wine polyphenols can prevent the inflammation that traps cholesterol and causes the hardening of blood vessels so that blood can flow freely.

The second discovery was related to a molecule called nitric oxide (NO). Getting an erection involves relaxed muscles and increased blood flow into the penis, which are both influenced by NO. NO helps make a compound that causes muscle relaxation.

The polyphenols in red wine can help by increasing the amount of NO in our blood vessels.

Thirdly, the polyphenols quercetin and resveratrol are potent vasodilators that help to relax our blood vessels. They do this by reducing the production of a peptide that narrows them. As a result, blood can enter the penis as needed.

Another contribution of resveratrol is its ability to promote the production of hydrogen sulfide. This gas is also able to relax our blood vessels, specifically in the penis.

Red wine is also important to increase testosterone levels in men’s bodies. This important male hormone is essential for a successful erection.

Polyphenols achieve this through the inhibition of an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen and can also block the breakdown of testosterone, stopping it from being removed from the body.

There is one potential problem: high intakes of alcohol can be detrimental to sexual function. Consistent heavy drinking can reduce testosterone levels, impair sperm production, and decrease testicular volume. But this research shows that low doses don’t have these harmful effects.

Even better, de-alcoholized wine maintains the health benefits of regular wine due to the presence of polyphenols without causing negative effects related to the alcohol content.

Unfortunately, red wine is not going to cure ED. For that to happen, as soon as tonight, you should start the simple home exercises explained hereā€¦