This Juice Drops Blood Pressure and Boosts Brain HealthA new study from Northumbria University reveals a juice that instantly lowers blood pressure and also increases brainpower.

If that is not enough, this juice is also said to improve or even cure dementia.

Best of all, you can get this juice in every supermarket and health food store.

Researchers tested the hemoglobin concentrations in their subject’s brains at different intervals following consumption of tart cherry juice.

They also tested their subject’s actual brain functions.

In the first three hours after drinking tart cherry juice, the participants experienced a drop in systolic blood pressure of up to 6 mm Hg, which is enough of a reason to get people off dangerous meds for good.

They also found a definite increase in the blood flow to the brain’s cerebral cortex, suggesting it might be a solution to dementia that results from age-related decline in blood flow to the brain.

Tart cherry juice contains flavonoids such as anthocyanin, quercetin, and catechin, which have major health benefits that researchers are only now starting to understand.

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