Frequent bathroom visits and other irritating effects of an enlarged prostate can wreak havoc on your life.
But the most common medications used to treat the condition have even worse side effects.
A new study in the Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Urology introduces a safe, natural alternative in the form of a common seed.
Best of all, you can find this seed in every supermarket, and it’s dirt cheap.
Pomegranate seed is informally and unscientifically known to have anti-tumor effects, which prompted a team of Nigerian scientists to investigate whether it could treat enlarged prostates.
They first administered testosterone to 70 adult albino Wistar rats to increase the size of their prostate glands and the amount of hormones secreted by them.
To make sure that this process worked as intended, they anesthetized some of the rats, removed their prostate glands, and weighed and measured them. They found a significant enlargement in these prostates, confirmed by their weight, volume, and secretion of hormones.
Having successfully enlarged the rats’ prostates, the researchers then split the rats into various treatment groups:
1. Some received 500 mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram of body weight) of pomegranate seed per day.
2. Some received 1,500 mg/kg of pomegranate seed per day.
3. Some received dutasteride, a drug commonly prescribed to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate that comes with serious side effects.
4. Some received a combination of pomegranate seed and dutasteride.
5. Some received no treatment at all.
After 30 days, they anesthetized the rats and performed a variety of tests. They removed the rats’ prostates and measured them. They also performed blood tests to measure the amount of prostate-secreted hormones.
In general, they discovered what they hoped they would:
1. All four of the treatment groups showed a significant reduction in prostate size, prostate weight, and hormone secretion.
2. Those who received the combination of pomegranate seed and dutasteride improved more than those who received the dutasteride alone.
3. Both doses of pomegranate seed extract were effective.
We cannot recommend the taking of dutasteride, as some of its most common side effects are erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual interest, and abnormal ejaculation. Together with less common but more serious side effects like weight gain, irregular heartbeat, irregular breathing, and exhaustion, this is a drug worth avoiding.
But pomegranate seed extract is fully natural and is definitely a path worth exploring.
22% of the pomegranate fruit is made of seeds. These seeds can be grated into powder or pressed into an oil. It is important to select food-grade extracts, however, as pomegranate oil is also made for dry skin.
If you weigh 154 pounds (70 kilograms), you will have to consume at least 1.4 ounces (35 grams) per day.
But if you want to heal your enlarged prostate completely, and permanently, pomegranate seeds alone are not going to cut it.