Almost everyone loves this drink.
But it’s been quite controversial throughout the years. Some studies say it’s healthy, others it’s not.
However, a new study published in the journal Kidney International clearly reveals that, at least for your kidneys, this drink is heaven-sent.
What is already known about the relationship between coffee and kidney disease?
Daily coffee consumption leads to a lower risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This was the conclusion of a 2018 study in the American Journal of Medicine.
The researchers analyzed the medical records of 8,717 Korean adults and discovered that daily coffee drinkers had a 24% lower risk of developing CKD than non-drinkers of this beverage.
But the new study in Kidney International Reports did not study CKD, but rather the relationship between coffee drinking and acute kidney injury.
Acute kidney injury is widely believed to be a temporary condition in which your kidneys stop working. Once it’s been treated, it is over and kidney function is restored to normal.
However, these widespread beliefs are actually wrong.
A recent study in Nephron Clinical Practice discovered that acute kidney injury was a risk factor for CKD, both in cases where it was inadequately treated and in cases where it was treated appropriately.
So, if acute kidney injury is a risk factor for the development of CKD, then what effect does coffee consumption have on acute kidney injury?
This is the question the new study in Kidney International Reports investigated.
The authors mined data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study in which 14,207 adults between 45 and 64 years reported their coffee consumption.
Researchers also collected information about acute kidney injury by checking which of them were hospitalized with an acute kidney injury-related International Classification of Diseases code.
What did this comparison show?
1. Compared with non-drinkers, those who drank less than one cup or one cup a day had an 8% lower risk of acute kidney injury.
2. Compared with nondrinkers, those who drank two or more cups a day had a 17% lower risk.
The researchers excluded all other possible causes of acute kidney injury from influencing their findings, such as diet, blood pressure, diabetes, and body weight.