Diabetes Healed With This Delicious DrinkBy now you’re probably sick of being told to eat green vegetables and drink green juices to manage your type-2 diabetes.

Luckily, there is a genuinely pleasant and sweet drink that both lowers cholesterol and manages blood sugar levels for people with type-2 diabetes.

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine recruited volunteers who had previously almost completely abstained from alcohol and who had their type-2 diabetes under control.

They were split into three groups:

– One group was told to drink a glass of water with supper.

– The second group was asked to drink a glass of white wine.

– The third group had to drink a glass of red wine.

After six months and again after two years, this group had their blood tested for cholesterol and blood sugar; they were also asked to complete a questionnaire about their diet, lifestyle, and other factors.

The results are fascinating:

– The water drinkers reaped no benefit.

– The white wine drinkers, particularly those who metabolized alcohol quickly, enjoyed a slight improvement in their blood sugar control.

– The red wine drinkers experienced a moderate increase in good cholesterol and in blood sugar control.

Now, here are the conditions or stipulations:

First, while they did not specify or limit the number of calories their subjects could consume per day, all of them were eating a Mediterranean diet rich in fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and unrefined vegetable oils. In other words, since all of the subjects were on a healthy diet, the study cannot be generalized to people eating a standard North American diet or any other unhealthy diet.

Second, only one five-ounce glass of red wine per day was allowed.

Third, those whose genetic tests showed that they metabolized alcohol quickly benefited substantially more than those who metabolized alcohol slowly. Only a genetic test can tell you this.

The researchers explain that both ethanol (alcohol) and the polyphenols in red grapes contribute to glucose control, which is why both wines helped but red wine had a greater effect.

We know red wine cannot cure type-2 diabetes. To do that, you must follow a solid strategy. Here is the precise 3-step strategy that has reversed type-2 diabetes for thousands of readers…