Snoring and Diabete's Terrifying ConnectionType 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels are usually blamed on bad diet and lack of exercise.

But could it be something much simpler, something that looked completely unrelated at first glance?

Yes, says a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association—and it’s connected to snoring.

The study used the data of 789 African-American men and women from the Jackson Heart Study, the largest study of cardiovascular disease in African-Americans.

The average age was 63 years old. Of the participants, 581 were women, 198 had diabetes, and 158 were taking diabetes medication.

The study gave the participants an actigraph wrist watch to monitor their sleep quality, including long and short sleep duration, sleep disruptions, night-to-night sleep variability, and sleep efficiency.

The study also monitored the subject’s blood oxygen levels to test for sleep apnea severity, grouping them into those with no sleep apnea and mild, moderate, and severe sleep apnea.

The participant’s blood glucose levels were monitored continually throughout the study.

The subjects who suffered from severe sleep apnea had a 14 percent higher fasting glucose score than those without sleep apnea. They also had higher HbA1c levels, which is a measure of long-term blood sugar.

The first step in addressing type 2 diabetes therefore may be as simple as addressing snoring. Almost everyone who snores has some level of sleep apnea.

Fortunately, you can eliminate snoring and sleep apnea in as little as three minutes using the simple throat exercises explained here….

And if you have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, follow the three steps explained here to reverse it….