Do you have high cholesterol?
If so, the chances are your doctor has pushed you into taking a crazy amount of drugs to try and reduce the damage, right?
Well, what your doctor probably didn’t tell you or go into detail about is that these medicines are dangerous and come with a whole host of side effects.
A new study, from The Women’s Health Initiative, has proved doctors wrong – it is possible to treat and even cure high cholesterol naturally without those drugs; and all you have to do is start taking this one common vitamin.
Vitamin D is well known for treating weak bones, but now it has been identified as a way of controlling cholesterol as well.
In the study published in the journal Menopause, researchers focused on a group of 576 women, all of whom were postmenopausal. They were divided into two groups. One group was administered a daily dose of 400 units of Vitamin D along with 1000 milligrams of calcium while the other group was given a placebo.
At the end of the study, researchers found there was a significant rise in the level of vitamin D in blood serum. This included a corresponding small but significant drop in the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and a rise in ‘good’ HDL.
The best way to get your daily requirement of Vitamin D is to go and get some sunlight! 15-30 minutes of daily sunlight is all you need.
Getting enough vitamin D is only the first step to cure high cholesterol. To completely cure it, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient, you didn’t even know you were consuming…