Reduce Blood Pressure By 4 Points With This One VitaminWe all know vitamins can help with a number of everyday processes and getting the right amount is essential for optimum health, but did you know there’s one vitamin in particular that regulates everything from your immune response to bone health?

But it gets even better – a new study from Brigham Women’s Hospital in Boston has also found that it can bring blood pressure down…by a whopping 4 points!

The study revealed that people with the worst vitamin D deficiencies are also the ones with the highest blood pressure, and doctors are researching as to whether a vitamin D supplement is enough to avoid prescription drugs as treatment.

Not only does vitamin D directly impact blood pressure health, it is also critical in a number of other systems.

Vitamin D allows blood vessels to relax, therefore it lowers blood pressure. However, if there is a deficiency in any one of the other systems, it will add to a mounting blood pressure problem.

Diseases like certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, infectious diseases, and heart disease contribute to low vitamin D levels, and therefore also increase blood pressure.

But vitamin D alone, might not be enough. To find out how I dropped my blood pressure below 120/80, do these simple 3 exercises to start seeing results today…