This Common Supplement Lowers High Blood Pressure Risk By 30%Typically, this supplement is usually prescribed to women of a childbearing age, as it has been proven to prevent birth defects.

However, according to new studies carried out by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, we should ALL (men and women) be taking this incredibly powerful supplement to avoid high blood pressure.

The study involved more than 150,000 women between 26 and 70 and was conducted to find the effects of folic acid supplementation on high blood pressure.

Researchers discovered that young females, who consume at least 800 mcg. of folic acid per day, lower the risks of developing high blood pressure by one third in comparison to women who took 200 mg or less per day.

They also noted that even though older women who consumed folic acid on a daily basis benefited from it, their high blood pressure risk was reduced by only 13 percent compared to the 30 percent in younger woman.

Folic acid is a B-group vitamin naturally found in dark, leafy greens like spinach, collard greens and romaine lettuce. Vegetables like asparagus, broccoli and citrus fruits are also loaded with this vital nutrient.

Folic acid is widely available all over the world in the form of a supplement. You can purchase it at drug and health food stores.

But since folic acid use is more of a preventative measure, it may not be enough to lower your blood pressure if you’ve already developed hypertension.

Here are the 3 easy exercises I used to get my blood pressure under control when everything else had failed…