Researchers at the Amsterdam University Medical Center have discovered a new treatment for vertigo that not only eases symptoms; it also prevents episodes.
You can do this treatment at home, without a doctor or drugs. And it causes no side effects.
The program is called Balance Retraining and the basic idea behind it is to teach the brain to work with scrambled balance information.
The most common cause of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It occurs when calcium crystals fall into the semicircular canals in your inner ear. The solution is to take your head through a series of movements to make those crystals fall out again.
But what if your vertigo is caused by something that cannot be corrected?
In that case, your only solution is to do various exercises to retrain your brain.
This is called vestibular rehabilitation. Basically, if you feel dizzy when you turn your head to the right, repeat this movement over and over again until the dizziness subsides.
322 subjects over the age of 50 who regularly experienced vertigo were divided into three groups.
One group received online vestibular rehabilitation with home visits and face-to-face physiotherapeutic support, another received online vestibular rehabilitation without extra support, and the other received whatever normal care their doctors provided.
Afterwards, the volunteers who used the online program with and without physiotherapy support reported experiencing less dizziness than before the treatment, fewer dizziness-related disabilities, and less anxiety.
And the good news is you can do all of this at home, without a doctor or drugs!