3 Powerful Foods That Dissolve Blood ClotsDrug companies have come up with a whole host of medications meant to dissolve blood clots, because it’s one of the major keys to preventing heart attacks and strokes.

These blood thinners are often advertised as life-enhancing, but the side-effects they come with can be the exact opposite.

Pharmaceutical corporations will always try their best, but they can’t really compete with nature, whose laboratory has been perfecting cheap, safe, and effective blood thinners for millions of years.

The three best natural alternatives to dangerous drugs can thin your blood and dissolve clots. We know that they work and we know that they don’t have side-effects because they’ve been used all over the world for centuries.

Apple- it turns out that the saying is true – one a day really does keep the doctor away, or at least clots away, because there’s a compound found only in apples which fights their formation. It’s called quercetin-3-rutinoside, or rutin for short, and clinical studies have shown that it stops the formation of fibrinogen, which helps to form fibrin, and fibrin helps to form clots. Mice studies have also suggested that rutin can combat thrombosis too, which is good news for those at risk of deep vein thrombosis, where blood clots form in the lower leg. If the clots break free and reach the lungs, they can cause a potentially deadly pulmonary thrombosis, so make sure you’re adding apples to your weekly grocery list.

Papaya and pineapple- These tropical fruits contain protein-digesting enzyme called bromelain. It’s great at reducing high blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, and combating inflammation. It’s a good clot buster too because it attacks the fibrin in blood clots with fibrin’s natural enemy, a substance called plasmin. Bromelain stimulates plasmin production, and it also helps stop platelets from sticking together, although it’s not known why yet.

Natto- this fermented soybean derivative puts a lot of people off. It’s gooey stuff that packs a punch with its strong odor, but generations of Japanese have relied on it in their cooking. But it’s a good thing they have because it contains nattokinase, an enzyme that dissolves existing clots and prevents new ones from getting started. This alone should convince you to give noxious Natto a second chance.

Of course, blood clots aren’t the only suspects when it comes to stroke and heart attack. High blood pressure is another major contributing factor, and with these three easy exercises can get yours down to less than 120/80 as early as today…

High cholesterol is another clot contributor, and this step-by-step approach can help you normalize it in less than 30 days…