This powerful spice has been proven to lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and inflammation, and even cure the common flu.
But you need to use it in a specific way or it’s basically useless.
A study published by PubMed showed that rats who get treated for 30 days with ginger extract had lower cholesterol levels as compared to the control groups.
Another study that utilized 85 patients of the Cardiac Disease Clinic, Babol, showed that those who received ginger lowered their cholesterol significantly more than a placebo group.
Ginger has also been proven to lower blood pressure, along with improve inflammation and almost all other markers of health.
What is the best way to use ginger?
Make your own tea from fresh ginger by slicing it thinly and let it steep in hot water. Optionally, add lemon and honey for taste and power.
Otherwise, you can also add fresh ginger to many meals. The root needs heat to release its healthy substances, so add it to your meal at the beginning of your cooking.
Unpeeled ginger can also be stored in your refrigerator for a long time, so it is easy to always have some of this delicious herb at hand at all times.
Furthermore, you can also use organic powdered ginger as an alternative or buy a ginger extract supplement in your local health food store.
But ginger is not the only thing that improves your cholesterol level.