This New High Blood Pressure Technology Is Deadly (Be Warned)If you are the type of person that cannot keep your hands off your smartphone or tablet, this warning is for you.

If you want your smartphone to be a help in healthcare instead of a dangerous hindrance, recent studies can tell you which technology to use and which types to avoid.

A Boston-based research team published a study in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, in which they reviewed the top 107 mobile blood pressure apps that were supposed to measure blood pressure.

None of the apps that used “finger pressure” or other “non-blood pressure cuff” methods were able to accurately measure blood pressure. And none had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or by the US Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.

Keeping in mind that even the FDA approved home blood pressure cuffs are not always 100% accurate, it makes sense that you absolutely should not trust a questionable blood pressure app for such an important test.

There is, however, room for mobile apps in your blood pressure management. For example, some makers of approved, home blood pressure monitors have their cuffs connected to mobile apps for long-term tracking. And some even send the recorded info directly to your doctor.

This is very beneficial, as one, two, or twenty readings don’t tell you much. But if you take your blood pressure three times a day for a month, you’ll have a pretty accurate picture.

But you can do the same just with a normal blood pressure monitor, and a piece of paper.

However, the most important thing would be is how you’re going to bring your blood pressure down. To do that, we have 3 easy exercises, guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…