Early intervention is important when it comes to cardiovascular diseases, in addition to other modern diseases.
The sooner you change your diet and start exercising more, the easier it is to prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
But something may have happened at the age of eight that might have set off the cardiovascular disease that you’re bugged by today.
Scientists from the University of Western Australia and the University of Melbourne noticed from consulted data collected by the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study that included information from female participants from their birth to their 20th year.
They subsequently published their study in the journal PLOS ONE.
They had information related to the age of the first period and body mass index available for 650 girls, and the metabolic details of 557 girls at age 17 and 541 at age 20.
Armed with this information, they were able to calculate whether the age of their first menstruation determined their body mass index at age 17 and 20, and whether it increased their risk of having either the metabolic syndrome itself, or markers indicating that it was a risk, such as high glucose, insulin resistance, and so forth.
They found that for each year that there was an earlier onset of menstruation, the girl’s body mass index increased by 0.75 kg/m2 between ages 17 and 20.
In addition, for each year that there was an earlier onset of menstruation, there was an increased likelihood that they would have unhealthy metabolic markers at ages 17 and 20 which could increase by up to 30 percent, and that they would have the metabolic syndrome at age 20 by 40 percent.
But before concluding that an early onset of menstruation makes it more likely that you will have poor metabolic health and the metabolic syndrome by age 20, another aspect of the research was also found to be extremely important.
When they included information about the girl’s body mass index at age eight, the date on which their menstruation commenced no longer seemed important.
This means that it was not early menstruation alone that made poor metabolic health at ages 17 and 20 more likely, but rather that childhood elevated body mass index makes the early onset of menstruation more likely and that this, in turn, makes poor metabolic health later during adolescence more likely.
This suggests that it might be possible to delay the start of menstruation by controlling the body mass index of girls throughout their early childhood, and that this may help them to maintain healthy metabolic health by the ages of 17 and 20.
Indeed, even if child obesity or early menstruation has something to do with cardiovascular disease, it’s too late to do anything about that now, isn’t it?
Fortunately, you can normalize your cholesterol within a month by just cutting out this ONE ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming…
And even better, you can drop your blood pressure below 120/80 in nine minutes using these 3 easy blood pressure exercises…