If you have high blood pressure that just will not go down no matter what you do (diet, exercises, drug), chances are high that it is caused by sleep apnea.
And if you say, “I don’t have sleep apnea”, there is a 94% chance you’re wrong – especially if you snore.
This is according to new research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.
Fortunately, there is a little trick that you can do to cure your snoring and sleep apnea, along with bringing your untreatable blood pressure down in the process.
As if high blood pressure is not bad enough, some people develop a version of it that is almost untreatable, regardless of whether it is treated by drugs or by natural methods.
This often happens to people who have had extremely high blood pressure for a very long time and is especially common in African Americans.
Scientists have long known that people with sleep apnea are more likely to have high blood pressure, but do people with this sleep disorder also have an increased risk of developing hard-to-treat hypertension?
To find out, a research team recruited 664 participants with high blood pressure and categorized them as suffering either not suffering from or suffering from either mild, moderate, or severe apnea.
Almost one-quarter of the participants had moderate or severe sleep apnea, with 94 percent of those being undiagnosed at the point of the study.
48 percent of the participant’s blood pressure was out of control, even though they were taking two blood pressure drugs.
A further 14 percent had out-of-control blood pressure, even though they were on three drugs.
Both of these groups were categorized as having hard-to-treat blood pressure. (Maybe they should have tried natural treatment methods instead of the drugs!)
When they compared the groups with sleep apnea and blood pressure, they found the following:
1. Compared with people without sleep apnea, twice as many people with moderate sleep apnea had hard-to-treat hypertension.
2. Compared with people without sleep apnea, 3.5 times as many people with severe sleep apnea had hard-to-treat hypertension.
This suggests that you cannot get rid of your treatment-resistant hypertension without first treating your sleep apnea.
So, why does sleep apnea cause hard-to-treat hypertension?
If you have normal high blood pressure, your readings tend to be high during the day and somewhat drop during the night.
Sleep apnea increases your blood pressure during the night, adding to the highly elevated blood pressure during the day, therefore leading to 24-hour cycles of extremely high readings.
If it never drops, it might be more resistant to treatment than blood pressure that occasionally drops.
Fortunately, there are simple throat exercises that you can do which can eliminate your snoring and sleep apnea from as soon as tonight. You can test drive these Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Exercises here…
And if you have high blood pressure (even harder to treat), learn how these 3 easy exercises drop it below 120/80 in as little as nine minutes…